in the grip of strong feeling

I have this mathematical theory of ingratitude
that, three months, four days and 6 hours ago.
was submitted for publication in the Journal
of Grudges and Self Pity.
It was received,
subjected to peer review
and ultimately rejected.
"Your data is flawed...",
the word came back,
from the editors.
"Your methodology suspect,
your controls inadequate."
"Sons of bitches."
I spat, threw the letter down.
"I won't forget this", I said.
I slammed the door and
walked outside
to give my dudgeon a little space.
I would never reject this beautiful piece--I love it!
In your bleakest of landscapes, there's always a light that shines. Love this.
Once your dudgeon has come down a little, look at page 4, footnote 6A, there is a misplaced reference.
Ruth Less
beautiful, as usual
Wow, I really love the mood you evoke in this piece. The colors are great.
It's wonderful how the poems and images play off one another. Thank you for your comments on my blog!
In a word this work is captivatingly stunning. [is that a word?]
Anyways, just beautiful, Neil!
Oh damn, you gave me a bitter-sweet grin wit' this one. Very fine, as usual.
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