Monday, February 25, 2008
Friday, February 22, 2008
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Saturday, February 16, 2008
in the grip of strong feeling

I have this mathematical theory of ingratitude
that, three months, four days and 6 hours ago.
was submitted for publication in the Journal
of Grudges and Self Pity.
It was received,
subjected to peer review
and ultimately rejected.
"Your data is flawed...",
the word came back,
from the editors.
"Your methodology suspect,
your controls inadequate."
"Sons of bitches."
I spat, threw the letter down.
"I won't forget this", I said.
I slammed the door and
walked outside
to give my dudgeon a little space.
Sunday, February 10, 2008
drive by shooting

Caught in the crossfire
the bad choices that I have made
each such error having staked out its turf
unsavoury companions
dug in for a long stay
special handshakes
a secret word or two
they shake down the local merchants
and send my good intentions
(from which as they say the road
to proverbial hell is
proverbially paved)
into the witness protection
For my part
I have repeatedly tried
to turn myself in.
Have confessed to countless crimes,
rubbings out
and mayhem both general and specific.